If you use a credit card and do free trial offers you'll make far more money. If you like credit card offers I recommend TreasureTrooper or CashCrate. Credit card offers are usually free trials that cost between $1 - $9 each, however the payout for each one is around $15 - $50: see how you can make some quick cash?!
Heres an example of an offer on TreasureTrooper:
Driving4Dollars signup for the $1, 1 day membership (for $1 obviously)
Once completed TT will pay you $11
That's $10 profit in around 3 minutes!
If you using a credit card you'll can make $422 in around 3-4 hours. Here's how:
1. Signup to TreasureTrooper by clicking here or CashCrate Here
2. Checkout this page on the best credit card offers by clicking here
3. Complete the 20 offers, after you complete each offer you should be credited by them 5 mins
4. Press cashout and you shoud receive your $422 check in days.
5. Also you should receive you free trials you signed up to in the next week.
6. You're done! You made $422 profit and got a whole lot of free stuff!
Don't believe me? See payment proof of TreasureTrooper by typing
'treasuretrooper payment proof' into google images.
When completing creditcard offers make sure you use a trusted site like TresureTrooper of CashCrate.